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Monday, November 26, 2007

back in b-town

after a refreshing break and going home for a while, i'm now back in boulder for a few days before the final triple crown at the stone fort, Tennessee. The past few weeks have been super hectic with school along with having to fly across the country every weekend for a comp. but after this weekend the flying will be over with and it will then be only 2.5 weeks until Hueco! I cannot wait for hueco and hope that the weather is good this winter trip. As for this week, i was hoping to get a lot of boulder problems done outside since i wouldn't have that much school work but not to my liking i came home to find a good bit of snow on the ground. im hoping that it will melt off by man it is sooooooo cold out there! Hueco cant come soon enough! so with some luck ill hopefully be able to get out a day or two before i head to Tennessee this weekend. Since I havent posted any pics in a while... here sre some from some of my most recent adventures.



confident man

air jordan

chris getting it done the crazy way!


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