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Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Been back in Colorado for a while now! Climbing a bunch and trying to find new boulders. Yesterday I went to Camp Dick in search of a new highball that Scott Neel shown me pictures of the previous week. Him and I hiked out there around noon to find a beautiful 25 foot unclimbed vertical granite boulder. I was psyched but a bit scared of the climb itself. The landing was good and together we had 7 crashpads, but i didn't have a spotter, though I'm not sure that if you fell off the top a spotter would be of any sort of help. The boulder begins with a very technical v7 which leads to a nice jug then another technical boulder of about v8/9 for the last 10 ft of the climb. heres a picture to give perspective of the height.

Photos scott neel

As of now, I'm super psyched to find some more new boulders to climb on and hopefully get the FA of. I have a few in mind and really hope that we have a nice snowless fall here in Colorado.

JADE! peep it in the upcoming Dosage V!!! photo steve woods

1 comment:

Peter Beal said...

That problem looks hard for V14 :)