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Monday, June 11, 2007


I am back in NJ now for a few weeks. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic but a lot of fun. I got back from Japan and flew to Denver where I competed in the Vail Teva Mountain Games. It went well and I got second to Daniel. After the comp I went with Tim Kemple and Chris Lindner to Joe's Valley to shoot the cover of the next Urban Climber! The Picture is sooooooooooooo rad! so def check that out when it comes out in a month.

After that I went to Salt Lake for a few days hung out with Tim and climbed a bit in the heat. I flew home a few days ago and went to the Gunks this weekend. It was really really hot. But none-the-less got to get some climbing in and sent some really fun lines. My camera was stolen and now I am lacking a camera. I hope to get another soon. Sorry for the lack of photos recently... but I promise they will be up shortly and worth the wait!!!

The rest of this month will be spent training for the ASCI Comp in western Maryland at the end of the month. July I am planning on leaving New Jersey and heading to either Southern California for some high altitude bouldering or to South Africa if I can manage to get everything sorted out in the next week or so. I'm realllllly hoping South Africa comes together as that trip would be amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great job at the Teva games and congrats about the cover with urban climber.